What are the attachment buttons / Smart Force for Invisalign?


What are the attachment buttons / Smart Force for Invisalign?

Smart Force attachments, also known as attachment buttons, are the small bumps found on the teeth and on the retainer. These small bumps are placed onto the natural teeth as a small lip for the retainer to latch onto and then be guided with.

The attachment buttons provide a better grip for the teeth of the aligner, this is particularly useful for teeth that are stubborn to move. It applies additional pressure to the area ensuring that the teeth are being guided into the right new position.

The aesthetic of the attachments matches the natural teeth, allowing them like the aligner to seamlessly blend into the smile. It is worth noting, that attachments adhered to the front teeth may be more easy to notice, however the colour should blend with the natural teeth.

Do Smart Force attachment buttons hurt?

It depends, each patient will likely have a unique experience. However, it is fairly typical for some discomfort to be felt after their application gets the patient gets used to them. Over-the-counter pain relief like paracetamol or ibuprofen can help reduce the pain experienced.

Does every patient need Smart Force?

No, not every patient will need attachment buttons, it’s dependent on the position of the natural teeth and the amount they will need to move to get into their new position. The orthodontist will assess the teeth before treatment and decide if it is an appropriate addition to treatment.

The number of attachments placed onto patients’ teeth will also vary on a case-by-case basis, with some people needing none, and some needing them on most teeth.

How are Smart Force attachments applied?

Attachment buttons are applied before treatment and will be applied whilst referring to a ClinCheck® scan to ensure they’re positioned correctly. The dentist will then start to prepare your teeth by cleaning them down and drying the surface. This ensures the tooth surface is ready to support the attachment buttons, as well as ensuring they adhere properly.

The dentist will then utilise a template aligner which is a dental device which helps the dentist guide where the attachment buttons will go. They then fill the template aligners’ empty spaces with resin, before placing the appliance on top of the teeth to set.

A special light is used to cure the resin, hardening the materials and bonding it to the teeth. The final stage is to remove the template aligner and clean up any excess resin.

How long do attachment buttons stay on?

Similarly, if they are needed, the duration they are kept on for will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. It is very probable that patients with an attachment button fitted will have them on until the treatment has ended. However, attachment buttons don’t necessarily always need to be kept on if they no longer serve the patient or aid with the treatment.

How are attachment buttons removed from the teeth?

Before the Smart Force attachments are removed, the orthodontist will double-check the teeth are aligned as desired. The dentist will then file or drill away the attachment buttons using specialist tools. This is done very gently to maintain the surface of the tooth.

The final step of treatment will see the orthodontist taking impressions of the teeth without Smart Force buttons in order for a retainer to be made.