The lifespan of veneers

Dental Check Ups in the City of London

The lifespan of veneers

How long do veneers last?

Depending on the material used to create the veneer, the longevity varies. With porcelain veneers lasting anywhere between 10-20 years, depending on the care they receive. With proper maintenance and dental check-ups, your veneers can last decades.

Resin composite veneers have a shorter wearing span, with the duration of wearing falling between 5-10 years. This is because the material isn’t as durable over a longer period when compared to a porcelain veneer.

Veneers are not a permanent aesthetic treatment, which means patients will need to have re-veneering within one or two decades. This is an incredibly important factor to consider when getting this treatment, as it permanently alters the natural teeth below.

The process of re-veneering

The teeth may need to be re-veneered for a handful of reasons, from a loose veneer to one that has completely detached. If the tooth beneath is damaged, re-veneering the tooth may not be the best course of treatment. This is something the dentist will establish within the appointment.

Firstly, the old veneer is removed if it is still adhered to the natural tooth. This is done by delicately filling the veneer down to reveal the natural tooth below. The dentist will then clean the area and prepare the tooth by agitating the surface for the adhesive to be applied.

A mould is made from the tooth for a temporary veneer, and a newer veneer to be made. The temporary veneer is made out of acrylic or composite resin. These temporary veneers are less durable and more prone to breaking under stress. The secondary appointment will be to remove the temporary veneer and apply the permanent one.

Can I make my veneers last longer?

With the right care, you can maximise the time you have your veneers. We recommend people continue their oral hygiene routine as if they were their natural teeth. This means brushing twice a day in the morning and at night, as well as flossing to ensure no food becomes trapped between the teeth. Flossing before brushing the teeth will prevent anything from being pushed between them. Here are some of the other ways you can get your veneers to last longer:

  • Visiting your dentist is a fundamental part of ensuring your veneers last a long time. Your dentist will be able to identify any problems and provide practical day-to-day solutions or the necessary treatment to ensure your smile stays perfect!
  • Avoiding biting down on hard objects or foods, such as hard-boiled candies, and pens, as well as opening drinks or packets with the teeth.
  • Avoiding sticky foods like toffees, sticks of sugar rock, and gum.