Teeth whitening is a treatment which can drastically lighten the tooth’s natural shade, making it appear brighter and whiter. Teeth whitening is abrasive to the tooth enamel and as such, should be done a limited number of times depending on the treatment.
At-home whitening kits can be done slightly more often than you can with professional whitening. At-home kits can be used for 14 days consecutively, and every three to four months.
Professional teeth whitening patients can have their teeth whitened between approximately a year to 18 months.
In some cases, the tooth’s surface may not lighten entirely due to stubborn stains, the state of the enamel or the strength of the product being used, an at-home kit is not going to have the same effect as whitening done by a dental professional.
Positive effects of teeth whitening
Having the teeth whitened can restore confidence in the patient, whose smiles have been dimmed by staining or naturally yellow-toned teeth. The restoration of confidence in patients is notable.
Once the smile has been whitened, patients’ confidence is positively impacted, with them feeling more inclined to smile and be proud of it.
Teeth whitening is effective at removing different types of stains:
Intrinsic – Intrinsic staining is when the stains seep so deeply into the enamel they permeate into the dentin. This then becomes slightly harder to remove and is most effectively removed by a professional.
Extrinsic – Extrinsic staining is stains that are on the surface of the tooth, typically caused by food and drinks containing rich pigments.
Ageing – As we age, our teeth are naturally worn down, thinning the enamel and increasing the susceptibility to staining.
The psychology behind smiles
The impact of a smile on our psyche is fascinating. Studies have found that smiling and responsive smiling have been associated with positive emotional responses and mood changes.
Smiling has been proven to reduce stress hormones naturally, by triggering the release of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. This then relaxes the heart and muscles and allows the blood pressure to lower. All of which contribute to a happy and relaxed body.
Restorative and cosmetic dental work can allow a person to feel confident and happy with their smile. Patients being happy with the appearance of their smile then encourages them to smile more often, making them feel even better.
Feeling confident in oneself promotes self-love, which is incredibly important for seeing ourselves as loveable, important and as someone to be kind to.